Berney Associates is a Woman Owned Small Business providing online and in-person workshops and consulting engagements that build better leaders and teams.
Dr. Berney’s workshops, consulting, and coaching engagements deliver to her clients the key knowledge, techniques, methods, and practices that drive improvement in the areas of Leadership Effectiveness, Team Performance, and Change Management.
This year many of those workshops are particularly focused on the stresses of Work-From-Home (WFH) and Return-to-Work Transitions that so many now face—how to cope with them as individuals and how best to manage them as leaders.
Using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Dr. Berney, who is a certified MBTI Master Practitioner, also helps organizations with Conflict Management and applying best practices in Managing Challenging Personalities.
Liz Berney helps leaders to increase organizational value by generating exceptional team performance in the face of change.
"I have spent over 30 years with senior leaders in top organizations like the Gates Foundation, Coca Cola, and the U.S. House of Representatives, helping them navigate change, build and sustain top performing senior executive teams, and significantly enhance cross-functional problem-solving. When leaders drive change effectively and teams thrive internally and can work effectively cross functionally, organizations excel.
Many organizations go down in flames because they have the technical know-how but don't know how to manage, teams, conflict and change."
Executives commonly tell us:
We need to execute change fast.
We need to get our senior leaders focused in the same direction.
We need departments to focus on organizational goals as much as departmental ones.
We need technical leaders to focus on developing teams and talent.
We need to align board-level interests with those of senior leaders.
We need leaders and teams to come up with fresh ideas rather than defend the status quo.
We need teams and leaders to take far more initiative and be accountable.
This is what we do. We help executives and senior leaders to:
Clarify and align organizational strategies, objectives, and initiatives to achieve desired results
Engage leaders in discussions of tough issues, resulting in innovative solutions
Challenge leaders to take risks and leverage creativity, resulting in breakthrough products and services
Help leaders make tough and often unpopular decisions that increase organization innovation
Realize unexpected opportunities resulting in improved customer satisfaction, effectiveness, or profitability